Project FerrMion
Ferroic multifunctionalities
The main goal of this project is to strengthen application-oriented cutting-edge research in the field of smart materials and composites in the Czech Republic. The project includes ferroelastic materials with martensitic transformation, magnetoelectric multiferroics, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials, ferromagnetic martensites, bioengineering materials using ferroic instabilities and nanocomposites with ferroic particles.
With Prof. Seiner on the half-billion-crown FerrMion project
In the years 2024-2028, the Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS will be at the forefront of a scientific project called “Ferroic Multifunctionalities” (FerrMion).
Publikační výstupy
Publikační výstupy projektu, které zahrnují články, výzkumné práce a konferenční příspěvky.